Church Symbols

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Church Symbols


The flag of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World symbolizes universal sovereignty, unity, and integrity. The white on the flag represents spiritual purity and the peace brought by Christ’s Kingdom on Earth, while the green star signifies hope in God, Jesus Christ, and the promise of eternal life.

Tocoista Church Logo

The lapel pin serves as the official insignia of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World. Its star symbolizes the message in Revelation 7:3. Worn on the upper left chest, the lapel pin is a personal emblem for all church members.

The bell signifies the spiritual awakening of man from the slavery of sin and the liberation of human consciousness in assuming the responsibilities inherent in the word of God.

The Church’s official anthems hold a special place in our liturgical and ceremonial acts. For openings, we sing “The King of Heaven Shall Walk,” and for closings, “Volunteers for Christ in Formation.” These anthems may be sung in any language, provided they faithfully follow the prescribed musical score.