The Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World – The Tocoístas is a Christian religious institution with a universal scope, operating as a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization. It is composed of believers from diverse backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, place of birth, or socioeconomic status, and enjoys administrative, financial, legal, and property autonomy.
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM,
via Zoom.
Are you interested in taking the next steps at the Tocoista Church? We invite you to explore our history, join us for worship, and participate in our prayer meetings.
Born on February 24, 1918, in Angola, His Holiness Prophet Simão Gonçalves Toco’s divine encounter in 1935 set him on a path to ignite a spiritual movement that would transform Africa. His fervent prayer in 1949 marked the birth of the Tocoista Church, and his legacy continues to inspire millions today.
Born on October 15, 1965, in N’sosso, Damba, Uíge Province, Angola, His Holiness Bishop Dom Afonso Nunes was raised in a devoted Tocoist family. Chosen by divine will, he was called to continue the sacred mission of the Tocoist Church, upholding the spiritual legacy of Prophet Simão Gonçalves Toco. His faithful leadership and commitment to the divine calling continue to guide and inspire the Tocoist community today.
Stay connected with the vibrant community of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World – The Tocoistas.
Below are some of our upcoming events where you can join us in worship, fellowship, and service.
Curious about our mission, beliefs, or how to get involved?
Here are some common questions to help you learn more about the Church.
The term “Tocoístas” was originally used in a derogatory manner by Portuguese colonizers to refer to those who followed the biblical teachings of Prophet Simão Gonçalves Toco. However, over time, the members of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World have embraced this term with honor and pride. Today, “Tocoístas” signifies a strong identity and unity among the church’s members.
Anyone seeking spiritual growth, peace, and unity in Christ is warmly invited to join the Tocoísta Church. To learn more about becoming a member, you can reach out to a local congregation or visit our website for more information: Join the Tocoísta Church. We look forward to welcoming you into our community!
We believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of love, peace, and unity among believers.
You can support through prayer, volunteering, or donations. Your involvement helps further our global mission of spreading the gospel and serving others.
In the Tocoísta Church, wearing white clothing holds significant meaning, particularly during worship services and religious gatherings. While it is not a strict requirement for all members to wear white at all times, it is often expected during specific religious rituals and ceremonies, such as communion, baptism, child dedication, and session prayers in the tabernacle. The color white symbolizes purity, spiritual dedication, and a commitment to the teachings of Prophet Simão Gonçalves Toco. Many Tocoístas choose to wear white as an expression of their commitment to their faith and its principles, reflecting their desire to honor God and the sacredness of the occasion.
The Church has a global presence, with congregations in Africa, Europe, North America, South America and beyond. Find a nearby location or service through our site or by contacting us directly.
At Tocoísta Church, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home. Our doors are open to all who seek connection, support, and spiritual growth.